Step into the surreal world of Artsybastards, a photography project created in fall of 2019 where the capture is simply the first whisper in a greater narrative.
Theatrical Advertising
Movies take you on a journey and their posters are the call to adventure. Take a walk with me and see some of the art I have had the privilege of making over the past nine years as a movie poster designer.
A picture is worth a thousand words, but a logo can speak for an empire. Here are the brands I have created over the years.
I’m Taylor Patterson. I am an art director working and living in Hollywood, CA.
Over the years, I have come to view myself more as a translator rather than artist. Just like translating a sentence into another language, I translate an idea into visual form. I appreciate all artistic languages and I am always eager to learn another.
I once read that it is impossible for the human mind to conceive of something that it hasn't pieced together from memories. The only way to be original, is to do something wrong... to make a mistake... to fail. I find that more often than not, the solution is simply a patchwork of failures. For this reason, every day I do my best to fail harder, fail faster, and through these failures find beautiful solutions.
When I am not rocking the world from behind my Wacom tablet, you can find me at the beach or in the yoga studio getting my inner peace on.
“The great artist is the simplifier”
- Vincent Van Gogh